Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Offices and Autos

Yesterday I started my first semi grown up job.

Afterward I got hit by a car.

A metaphor maybe?


I'd go on and on about the specifics of my new job and new co workers, but since the job is fairly internet heavy, it seems prudent to be vague. I can say that so far, based on two days of a sort of orientation, I'm really enjoying it. Nice people, fun atmosphere, and, best of all, I have my own office.

Let me repeat that, I have an office. I can say, "please, step into my office." I can invite people to have a seat. I can find a small table for my office bar, Mad Men style. Never mind that the room is a little bigger than a closet and was filled with boxes, and old ink cartridges, and packing materials, and for some reason an old drum kit this morning, it is an office, and it is mine. There is even a really nice desk! With a whiteboard!

I'm glad that Grant and I are blogging now, because years from now, if apes haven't taken over and the rapture (or other religious apocalyptic event) hasn't struck, I think it will amuse me to look back and read about my giddiness over a little room with a desk and a lot of boxes in it.


The other part of my news, of course, was getting hit by a car. Thankfully, as far as accidents go it was minor, and I was more mentally stunned than physically hurt. The woman who slammed her car into mine was a nurse, and felt awful about it, especially since my rear end/ trunk was dented and she didn't have so much as a scratch. Having once rear ended someone many years ago, I understood how she terrible felt, and she kept apologizing over and over. She had just gotten off of a really long shift at a nearby hospital and probably didn't need a car accident to add to her long day. Happily we were both insured.

This is not a particularly dramatic or exciting story, but it seemed like the sort of thing a person would blog about, so here I am.


Before ending this post of awkward transitions, I wanted to apologize to Grant. I told him that I would post this last night and then after playing Bananagrams (soooo fun) with my mom I ended up falling asleep earlier than expected. Be annoyed if you want, Grant, but I will play the "just got hit by a car" card, and try not to let it happen again.


  1. I knew your mom would enjoy bananagrams.

  2. She's officially obsessed - we even got my dad to play!

  3. Tara, you kept me up until midnight. Then I kept myself up until 3am, as you can see by my next post.
