Friday, August 27, 2010

One Hundred Push-Ups

...or I'll just go ahead anyway.

I forgot to eat dinner again. I usually end up eating dinner around 8 or 9pm because I get distracted by a productivity streak or Tara's request that I set up our blog.
My body type is what I call "skinny bitch" (Are we cursing in this blog, Tara? Answer your phone so we can discuss this!). I get defensive when the subject of anorexia comes up, since I have a very healthy attitude towards eating.  I just happen to be a distracted young man with a fire-burning metabolism.

The skin-and-bone look isn't really working for me, so I'm trying to get fit. I'm not bothering to bulk up, since my metabolism should slow down eventually. Just working on strength and flexibility. I'm focusing on arms and core right now, with the help of a delightful website: It's great for several reasons:
  1. There are plenty of options for different fitness levels.
  2. Commitment of time, effort, and resources is basically nil.
  3. The results are measurable.
I'm on Week 3 of the program, though it's really Week 8, since I've done each week twice and took some breaks. But I've gone from collapsing before five push-ups to doing five sets of ten push-ups.  My biggest obstacle is wrist pain; I suspect that comes from playing video games and using a touchpad -- working on a solution for it. 

One might suggest a better, more effective program for me, but this one makes me feel great.  I can't wait to see how different I look and feel when I hit 100.


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